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FMUL4X4:    OPCODE: db,f1     IIT ONLY

       This instruction is available only on the IIT (Integrated
       Information Technology Inc.) math processors.
       Takes 242 clocks.
       The instruction performs a 4x4 matrix multiply in one
       instruction using four banks of 8 floating point registers.
       The operands must be loaded to a specific bank in a specific
       order. The equation solved can be represented by:

       Xn = (A00 * Xo) + (A01 * Xo) + (A02 * Xo) + (A03 * Xo)
       Yn = (A10 * Yo) + (A11 * Yo) + (A12 * Yo) + (A13 * Yo)
       Zn = (A20 * Zo) + (A21 * Zo) + (A22 * Zo) + (A23 * Zo)
       Vn = (A30 * Vo) + (A31 * Vo) + (A32 * Vo) + (A33 * Vo)

       Where Xo stands for the original X value and Xn for the
       result. Operands must be loaded to the following registers
       in the specified banks in the specified order.

          Before FMUL4X4        After FMUL4X4

               bank           bank
       Register:   0    1    2      0

       ST(0)  Xo   A33  A31        Xn
       ST(1)  Yo   A23  A21        Yn
       ST(2)  Zo   A13  A11        Zn
       ST(3)  Vo   A03  A01        Vn
       ST(4)       A32  A30         ?
       ST(5)       A22  A20         ?
       ST(6)       A12  A10         ?
       ST(7)       A02  A00         ?

       All four banks can be selected by using the bankswitching
       instructions, but only bank 0, 1 and 2 make sense since bank
       3 is an internal scratchpad. The separate banks can contain
       8 floating points and may be re-used with normal
       instructions. Each bank acts like an independent i80287,
       except when bankswitched inbetween, in those cases where the
       initial status is not maintained;

       Pseudo- multichip operation can be performed in each bank
       and even in multiple banks at the same time (although only
       one instruction will operate on one register at any given
       time), provided that the active register and top register
       are not changed after switching from bank to bank.

       FINIT                ; reset control word
       FSBP1                ; select bank 1
       FLD DWORD PTR es:[si]        ; first original
       FLD DWORD PTR es:[si+4]      ; second original
       FLD DWORD PTR es:[si+8]      ; third original
       FSTCW WORD PTR [bx]      ; save FPU control status
       FSBP2                ; NOTE ! you will see three
                          active registers in this
                          bank when using a
       FINIT                ; nothing visible
       FLD DWORD PTR [si]       ; new value
       FLD DWORD PTR [si+4]         ; second new value
       FADD ST,ST(1)            ; two values visible
       FSTP DWORD PTR [si+8]        ; one value visible
       FSBP1                ; one original visible
       FLDCW WORD PTR [bx]      ; restore FPU status to the
                          one active in bank 1,
                          causing original three
                          values to be visible
                          again in correct

       ... simply continue with what you wanted to do with
       those numbers from es:[si], they are still there.

       FLD DWORD PTR [si+8]         ; for instance...

       This feature of the IIT chips can be used to perform complex
       operations in registers with many components remaining the
       same for a large dataset, only saving intermediary results
       to ONE memory location, bankswitching to the next series of
       operands, loading that ONE operand and continuing the
       calculation with the next set of operands already in that
       bank. This does require another read into the new bank but
       may save time and memoryspace compared to memory based
       operands or multiple pass algorithms with multiple arrays of
       intermediary results.


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson